Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

Something was going around me,first i thought its a weird looking alphabet which can turn itself in so many ways then i thought its a distance between identical points between two adjacent cycles of a wave form but then i thought is none of these and such.maybe a roller coaster ride would have made me feel better during this circumstances. anyway i am Abhishek Yuvan Rao, finished my animation and currently doing nothing. I am not confused at all but some weird mind games that can be explained happens to me. anyways today Iam writing these because its a Sunday and Sunday afternoon are meant to be boring. Cousins,Relations,parents blah blah is replaced from friends,smokes,chai,films. Any day can be made interesting,and therefore any day can be made boring. Sunday comes to the boring category. Did anyone have a boring Dream? dreams are meant to be interesting like a Bollywood movie. i never realised dreams would be boring until and unless i had a dream last night and i suddenly woke up and realised that i was dreaming about sleep,just me sleeping in a pitch black room,no it sound interesting?i don't think so.Dreams is full of focus,attention,memories,speed and flexibility.i want to dream,day dream!

The Best thing in every noble dream is the dreamer...
- Moncure D Conway

"anyone in for Sunday night party.who is the party animal out there? we all go and dance until we sweat our ass off . Sundays shouldn't be a family day out, Sundays should also be party day.what say" said A
B and C were looking at A
C said " I am not a engineer"

My cousin is a engineer, Monday to Friday work which he apparently doesn't like.Saturday Sunday extra projects. thinks of a investment which is not friends only parents. parents are his friends.sees a cricket match,after match stupid comments.tries to learn about politicians so that it would be a hot topic with the family. wants to marry,wants a virgin. wants to have sex now! wonder what is dream would be? sex fantasy's.

at the end of this wonderful Sunday afternoon i have to say Sunday afternoons are boring.

"i didn't grow up thinking of movies as a film, or art,but as movies,something to do on a Sunday afternoon" - Sydney Pollak

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Random as always

What would I be?

What i would I be?

who knows ?
do I know?

Random people,Random things,Random images,Random concepts pop out of my brain with dark colored Tea.Tea is always been my company.Happy,sad,mad,broke whatever Tea and smoke is always been there in any circumstances.I Think I am back to Tested positive after a month or so,feels awesome to write something after a month.Randomly,all of sudden,By mistake,Surprisingly I remembered that i want to write some random stuffs.

+ Recently I thought i became a Father.

+ Coffee day in Mysore road,Cold Weather,Random Guy,Victor Bike,super slow,Kannada songs is not Happening  

+ go away or buy me a tea and mild

+ Vijaynagar,so called coarse,bullshit academy but Apple computers 

+ Rain!Rain! are you there?

+ 64,52,52,64,64,52,52,64

+ Hey Jude Dont make it bad take a sad song and make it better

+Drunken Monkey Festival

+ Night at Pit stop

+ Original Satellite with Trees


+ Not seen a movie for a month

+ Orange Night with Namratha


+ Going Abroad almost into pieces

STUCK! RELEASE ME from so many random things and I peace out doing what should i do. Can i Borrow a Camera? 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fuck Birthdays

I hate May 14th from past 8 years. I hate my birthday. I hate others also. Why do birthdays be so special?You were born?is that so? Millions would been born so what special? Your Lifestyle,your soul or you are unique that's why you think birthdays are special?In that sense you should cry for your birthday saying why the fuck I am in this cruel world. That time isn't far.
For some people birthday is celebrating with food and drinks,some of them getting new stuffs,for few of them it is a national holiday and few act as if some festival .Fuck them!Birthdays are no fucking special,your making it special.What if u die , do u think people around u will celebrate your birthday every year,maybe yes 1 year or 2 years and they will have their own fucking life to lead , it will be forgotten.
Some fucking Celebrities bastards would donate money or do charity work only on their birthdays? Rest of the year? Why would they think Big by doing this? These people are Fucking imbecile.
My Grandmother Doesn't Know her Birthday.My dad Usually forgets it. Mom is Confused,but they all knows mine. As soon as i get up on that fucking day(may 14th) Everyone wishes me and i hate that.Why do people wish happy birthday? What is happy after 21 years?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Jack and Jill Went Up The Hill


(a) Brain's outer world experience made electromagnetic waves within the visible range colorful

(b) Either extra vibrations is heard ,sometimes in lower frequency.

(C) Drinking the tasteless chai is not ageusia is this case but ya tasteless chai after 48 hours is exiting .

(d) Reacting without a Reaction

(e) Feels face like a fake plastic

(f) Olfaction was disabled

(g) Literally made weird noise or weird faces without my knowledge.

(h) Sometimes i did go into thoughts like why do we live?y do we
breathe?why was Pythagoras so much interested in maths?Why do i treat my maths teacher as a six legged animal? There would be so many thoughts that pops out of your mind which is very unnecessary

(i) Before passing out , listening to radiohead is perfect, made my tiring body very comfortable,a fly like experience .

Wait!! Believe in god. God is special. God is necessary.God is The One.God is God.
So what if Jack and Jill went up the hill ,iam fucking getting sleep. Jack might be related to god
or Jill might be related to someother God which the Original God Doesn't know that Jill is related to someother God.Are U related to jack and Jill?is that true?

Warning: The above written words are utter bullshit and this may be due to lack of sleep.

Monday, April 26, 2010

MONOPHOBIA - An abnormal fear of being alone

Ever since i listened to this concept i wanted to make a movie,and i wanted it to
be in my way.There was something in this concept which made me smile,
thanks to Mohan Prasad for coming up with this
concept. This Concept preoccupied my mind and
and I had unwanted feeling or emotion
this concept.Its Strange but yes.When I Started writing script .
I experienced the loneliness in me, experienced pain,emotion,so many
things which remained unimaginable and unexplained.

Monophobia was the theme.An abnormal fear of being alone is Monophobia.

Monophobia sufferers not only fear being alone, they can also fear the thought of being alone or being away from a place or person which provides a feeling of safety.Monophobia can be very disturbing,i was disturbed too.Monophobia is a symptom of an anxiety disorder and as such, can be very quickly eliminated.I Wanted to mix Autophobia also but couldn't proceed because of time period.I would love to do a full length movie with monophobia and Autophobia because sometimes i think i have this disorders.Autophobia means an extreme dislike of oneself,or being angry at oneself.

I Began Researching more on Monophobia,it would be dangerous if its not cured.Symptoms of Monophobia are Fear of solitude or being alone breathlessness, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, feeling sick,shaking, heart palpitations, inability to speak or think clearly,a fear of dying, becoming mad or losing control, a sensation of detachment from reality or a full blown anxiety attack.Most sufferers are surprised to learn that they are far from alone in this surprisingly common, although often unspoken,phobia.

It is an intense fear of something that poses no actual danger.While adults with Monophobia realize that these fears are irrational, they often find that facing, or even thinking about facing, the feared situation brings on a panic attack or severe anxiety.

Imagine what your life will be like when you know that you are not "defective". When you can be confident and at ease in situations where you used to feel your phobia.And when you can talk about your former fear symptoms as though you are describing a movie where the character is someone else, not you.

This short film is called " Rewind" was about Ram and Abhisahi, two experienced mountaineers journey to North pole of the globe. Abhisahi suffers from Monophobia disorder. The story is about What happens to Abhisahi when Ram dies in middle of their expenditure ,what consequences does Abhisahi faces?His Abnormal fear of being alone leads him to do activities he would have never imagined.

The scripting was challenging as it should be less than 5 minutes.Still I Dream of making this a full length movie sometime.I am working on this concept all over again and believe me I experience a bit of monophobia when I am scripting in my room with blue tripy lights,orange colored wall and Bubka's Art work.

There is a Way Out From this disorder

Treatment Options


Hypnotherapy helps to reprogram your subconscious "programs" that may be part of your fear.
When these programs are "de-bugged" the symptoms of Monophobia often are minimized.
However, some people don't like the feeling of loss of control in allowing someone else to play with their personal "software". Hypnotherapy is save and works fast.

Hypnotherapy Solutions

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is basically the study and practice of how we create our reality. From the NLP viewpoint, a phobia is the result of your programs or "constructs" that you have created that don't work very well. With NLP, these constructs are revealed and "re-programmed" so that the Monophobia is minimized and often eliminated.Usually the interventions are quite rapid and effective.

NLP Solutions

Energy Psychology

Energy Psychology is emerging as an excellent therapy for fears and phobias because in studies it is shown to be rapid, safe, effective and long-lasting. It is based on a theory and practice that has been around for a couple of thousand years.It has the same foundation or roots as acupuncture, except in this case there are no needles used. You could call it emotional acupuncture - without the needles.Recent scientific studies have shown it to be very effective.

Energy Psychology combines the benefits of the above treatment therapies.

You quickly and easily change your behaviors.
You are active in your own recovery.
You are in control.
Your thought patterns change, often very quickly.
You are able to relax.
You develop skills and techniques that are useful for a lifetime in all situations.

Final product of our short film "Rewind" was made but little bit of better animation and some of the scenes which was deleted must have been added . Personally I feel these were the mistakes. Learning Mistakes is a Lesson or a Chapter and try to avoid the same mistakes which was committed earlier.

Tested :Sloth

I think I am in love with grasshoppers,lizards and beautiful Cockroaches.Maybe sleepless nights and annoying summer have changed me and my behaviour.I am just thinking,thinking and thinking of various issues like Big Bang theory to BBMP elections. Since completing my graduation, I have become lazy .Laziness is all over me, I have become as lazy as sloth,maybe a Chronic laziness or getting Feelings of laziness, its just that laziness has conquered my body.Chemicals would have made my body worse like petrol addictive,embalming fluid,toilet cleaner,nail polish remover,car exhaust fumes,rat poison,gas chamber poison,These substances in a smoke form would have damaged my lungs and would have made me weak.Sometimes I feel I am insomniac , and sometimes i feel I am Spartacus or Maybe a Locust. Sometimes also think I have lost my mind. Where is my thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination?I've to study Noology.
Last three months of my life is just been a replay.Same routine is happening everyday.Sometimes feel I am stuck in a circle.
Positive side of last three months of my life is seeing lots of movies, reading and writing.Movies actually makes my day.Its exiting to see 1960's classic with a orange juice. I like the combination. I do remember permutations and combination is school,but i am weak in maths.Even though i was weak in maths i used to like algebra because there was "bra" in it.There is one time in my Algebra classwork i had written as "Algebrassiere Classwork". I had to meet principle but funniest thing is none of my classmates or my maths teacher didn't have a clue unless and until i was caught by an English teacher named Geethamani.
There were lots of memories from school and I have pages and pages written about my school life, its nice to read them now in my lazy days of life.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Somewhere in rocky mountain , in the late 19th century

I belong to the kingdom of Animalia , and an edible insect
one of the plagues of Egypt in bible,which ate all the crops in Egypt
but it was my fellow Acrididae ,in North Africa, Middle East, and Indian subcontinent

i belong to the rocky mountain, Melanoplus spretus
so what if i have a boat-shaped tip , or change morphologically on crowding
but i have been to Oxford University which identified that swarming behaviour is a response to overcrowding

i hate farmers , they are the brainless child of god
who is god?,is he the son of Immortal?
but I Belong to the kingdom of Animalia , and an edible insect

Eighth plague of Egypt was my family
worship our family,we were the gods of Egypt
so what if i am from rocky mountain
I belong to the kingdom of Animalia , and an edible insect

somewhere in the rocky mountain,in the late 19th century
something unusual happened
they were gone,they died out
where was i? where was i?
i lost my family and loved ones

i am no locust
i am no locust
i am no solitary and gregarious

I Belong to the kingdom of Animalia, and an edible insect
I Belong to the kingdom of Animalia, and an edible insect
I Belong to the kingdom of Animalia, and an edible insect